Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Review: Skinfood Watery Berry Eye Cream

Although I like to revamp my skincare products with the change of seasons, one product that I will not be getting rid of any time soon is Skinfood’s Watery Berry Eye Cream. I bought this little beauty in September from a Korean beauty product vendor called W2Beauty, and I’ve been using it all autumn.

This product’s texture is a light creamy gel. There’s a slight scent if you stick your nose over the tub and inhale, but once you apply it, the odor isn’t noticeable. It’s usually priced around $15-20 online. The product’s description reads:

The line is based on a mix of berries: cloudberry, arctic raspberry, cranberries and sodium hyaluronate. The eye cream has a strong antioxidant effect, eliminates wrinkles, fills the skin with moisture, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Especially recommended for dry skin. Cloudberry incorporates a protein, sugar, cellulose, citric acid, and malic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, PP B (whole group) iron, potassium, phosphorus, anthocyanins, cobalt, tannic and pectin. Raspberry has long been used in folk medicine, contains up to 7% of sugars (glucose and fructose), 1-2% citric acid, malic acid, tannins, organic dyes, 100-200 mg of vitamin C. Cowberry contains a set of useful biologically active substances: sugar (9-12%), organic acids (malic, lactic, salicylic, benzoic).

My impression of the product has been generally positive – if it hadn’t been, I’d have switched it out some time ago. I have very sensitive eyes, and if I’m not very careful about keeping my makeup and brushes clean, I tend to get irritating styes. So, I was apprehensive about using a product from a tub. But, I took care of that with a tiny spatula from one of my previous eye creams. If you don’t have one, make sure your hands are clean before applying it.

I usually take about a pea-size amount and dab equal amounts on each of my ring fingers (the weakest, and therefore most gentle, ones). Then, I pat and blend the cream below each eye, right on my dark circles. You’re not supposed to rub anything into your eye area because the tugging causes wrinkles, so I just pat the product around to spread it out. It generally takes about two full minutes to absorb – sometimes longer.

As for the promised effects…

No eye cream – or beauty product for that matter – is a miracle worker. That being said, my dark circles (hereditary, and not going anywhere) haven’t gotten any worse since I’ve started using the Watery Berry Eye Cream. I have extremely dry skin that flakes if I don’t drink enough water throughout the day or slather on (at least) three layers of moisturizer each morning and night. This eye cream keeps my eye area hydrated without making it look oily. However, the product does claim to eliminate wrinkles, which it didn’t do. The moisture made fine lines less noticeable, but the effect wears off as the day progresses.

In addition, this product absorbs so well into my skin that I have no problem wearing eye shadow or eyeliner. I don’t need primer to keep the makeup from caking into my eye crease. This is a huge plus, in my opinion.

TL;DR: This product is hydrating, but not oily. It brightens the eye area and works great under eye makeup. It doesn’t have any noticeable effect on fine lines or wrinkles.  

Remember that this product works wonders for me, but you could have different results. Be careful testing any new products. :)