Thursday, July 19, 2012


Since this is the first post on my new blog, I’d like to introduce myself.

I love books, nature, music, and adventures. Last year, I lived in Korea (and enjoyed every minute of it). I learned a lot and changed a lot, and one thing that grew in particular was my interest in beauty products, skincare, and clothing. I had always been concerned about my skin, as cancer and skin darkening runs in my family. So, I make it a priority to protect my skin. 

As I spent more time in Seoul, my interest in skincare products and makeup blossomed. There were so many products I had never heard of, and different beauty retailers all around commercial areas. The selections were amazing, and I was able to bring some products home with me. But don't worry, if you want to you'll be able to find the products I discuss without taking a trip to Seoul; it's quite easy to order Korean and other beauty products online. I think that for the most part I will be reviewing products I love or hate and find fun or interesting. 

I read somewhere that makeup is a woman’s best armor. I’m not sure I believe that; it’s most important to be confident and strong on the inside. But, the skin is your literal armor, so I really believe in taking good care of it. And why not dress it up from time to time?

I hope you enjoy my posts and reviews as much as I enjoy making them! 

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