Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sephora 'The Red' Lipstick

Even though I am in my mid-20's, I have just recently started to experiment with makeup. (I’ll explain why in a later post). But, living in Korea really made me want to learn more about makeup because so many Seoul women looked put together regardless of the time of day or day of the week.

Despite my lack of makeup expertise, one staple I am comfortable with is lip-gloss. I always shied away from lipstick, though, thinking it was for mostly for older women. But, I took a trip to Sephora a few weeks ago to use a gift card, and was intrigued by a saleswoman wearing bright red lipstick. I had seen red lips before, but mostly in catalogs or advertisements. The saleswoman explained that lipstick is great for bright and lasting color, which of course I was interested in. I made an impulse decision to buy the brightest red lipstick that I could find, based on the red-lipped saleswoman’s recommendation. I chose Sephora’s ‘The Red’ because it seemed to be a quality product at a reasonable price.

I tested the product in the store, and the woman told me to wear it every day until I loved it. After I had made the purchase, I continued wearing the product out into the mall. As I was walking around, I noticed that people (who generally don’t make eye contact) were looking me directly in the face.

So, maybe Red Lipstick doesn’t make you kissable (nobody wants red lipstick smudged on the mouth area), but it definitely does attract a certain amount of attention in public.

Some other benefits are that it made my lips look fuller, and contrasted nicely with my relatively pale skin. I love the way it makes my lips stand out against my skin tone, and somehow it makes my eyes look bigger. However, in the summer heat I found that the product bent a bit when I applied it. I was nervous that it would break, but it held. I’d just be careful about keeping it in your purse on hot and humid days. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BB Cream!! The Face Shop Face It HD Perfect

This is one of my favorite products. I have only started exploring makeup recently, and so I love products that take care of many steps in your beauty regimen. For those of you who don’t know, BB Cream (Beauty Balm/Blemish Balm Cream—depending on who you ask) is makeup that has been popular in Asia for many years. It was first developed by a dermatologist in Germany to prevent scarring in plastic surgery patients. It is meant to moisturize, condition, protect, and prime skin. Most have high SPF, which makes them, in my opinion, better than tinted moisturizers. They also provide a bit more coverage than most moisturizers, and when you wear BB Cream it can look like you’re wearing less makeup than when you wear foundation. But, you can build the coverage up if you have trouble areas on your face.

One of my main problems is dark circles under my eyes. When they’re particularly bad after a few late nights in a row, I usually need concealer to hide them. But, if I don’t feel like using a different product, dabbing BB Cream under my eyes and blending works just as well. Most varieties are non-comedogenic, so they won’t clog your pores. It’s the perfect product, right?

You can get Asian BB Creams on line at websites like Sasa.com. However, you can even get BB Cream at the local American drugstore or beauty retailer now; American companies like Garnier, Dior, Smashbox, and Clinique are manufacturing versions of this product!

I am currently using The Face Shop Face It HD Perfect BB Cream. You can get this Face Shop variety here. It is meant to have an airbrushed look by covering up pores and keeping your skin moist. I am paler than I have ever been in my life, partially because I’ve recently been working indoors for long hours and don’t get much sun. I also am much more conscious of protecting my skin from sun damage, since I have a family history of cancer and skin problems. Even though I am pretty pale, I find that the product looks light at first, but oxidizes after about 15-20 minutes and becomes quite a bit darker. It takes a while to match your skin, so if you’re in a rush you may want to try something different. I've included photos of swatches and how the product blends below. 

Now, in my opinion the best result of this product is that I have had far fewer breakouts and skin issues than when I didn’t wear BB Cream. I wear this product daily, and it is supposed to condition your skin. Even when I don’t wear the product, I have noticed fewer blemishes, scarring, and redness since I started using it.

I would highly recommend this product to my friends and all of you. Even if you want to try a different brand's product, definitely pick up some BB Cream!!

The Face Shop did not pay me to write this review; I bought the product completely on my own.

This is how the product looks when compared to some body lotion. 

Here, I've just blended in the BB Cream. You can see that it is pretty light. 

This is maybe a minute after the previous photo was taken; the product has darkened pretty significantly. 

This is how the BB Cream looks about 5 minutes after I applied it. 

*Note – I’ve become a lot tanner a week after I first wrote this because of several outdoor events I’ve attended, and I can no longer wear this BB Cream without looking really unnatural. So I’d recommend the Light Beige (#1) color for those with light skin and olive undertones, and Natural Beige (#2) for those with slightly darker skin. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

My First Beauty Review! Aritaum Essence Sheet Mask

This review is about Sheet Masks. Sheet masks are really popular in Korea, but I haven’t seen them very frequently in NY. They are very easy to find online, though, so don’t worry if you want to try them! They come in sealed plastic-foil packages, and you only use each mask once. You apply it on a clean face and leave it there from 15-30 minutes, depending on the brand and specific mask (make sure you read the directions!). The masks have cutouts for the eyes, nose and mouth, so are relatively easy to apply. It looks kind of like a mask that a murderer in a horror movie would wear, but don’t let that deter you! If you are having a girls’ night, the masks are a fun addition. You can take some pictures and NEVER release them to the world! The masks are very wet when you take them out of the package, so I usually apply them over the sink.

This sheet mask claimed to have moisturizing properties. It was the Olive sheet mask from Aritaum. Similar ones can be found at this website. Here’s a picture of the packaging: 

I left the mask on for about 15 minutes, which is the upper end of what the directions recommend.

After I took the mask off, I rubbed and gently patted the extra moisture into my skin (and there was quite a lot of excess fluid from the mask). After patting for a few minutes, my skin still hadn’t dried and I lost patience and gently patted my face with a facecloth. I then rubbed in what little remained.

I actually didn’t apply my normal nighttime lotion and cream, because my face felt so hydrated after the mask. I was a little worried about breaking out after I slept with the residue on my face, but nothing to worry about: no breakouts. The next morning, after my usual routine of washing, toning, and moisturizing my face, I saw that my skin did look more hydrated and ‘glowy’ that day. Unfortunately, the effect only lasted for that one day.

Despite this, I would recommend this product! They are pretty cheap, which is always a plus. There was no unpleasant smell, and the only slight issue was all of the moisture remaining on my skin after I took off the mask. I would use it the night before or the morning of a special day, like a date or an interview. However, I would recommend trying it out before that special day to make sure it works with your body and skin.  

Note: Looking for this product online, I noticed that it has been discontinued :-/ Sorry about that. But, the website I’m linking has other masks by Aritaum that you can order. I’ve tried the Aloe mask, and it moisturized my skin like the olive mask did. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Since this is the first post on my new blog, I’d like to introduce myself.

I love books, nature, music, and adventures. Last year, I lived in Korea (and enjoyed every minute of it). I learned a lot and changed a lot, and one thing that grew in particular was my interest in beauty products, skincare, and clothing. I had always been concerned about my skin, as cancer and skin darkening runs in my family. So, I make it a priority to protect my skin. 

As I spent more time in Seoul, my interest in skincare products and makeup blossomed. There were so many products I had never heard of, and different beauty retailers all around commercial areas. The selections were amazing, and I was able to bring some products home with me. But don't worry, if you want to you'll be able to find the products I discuss without taking a trip to Seoul; it's quite easy to order Korean and other beauty products online. I think that for the most part I will be reviewing products I love or hate and find fun or interesting. 

I read somewhere that makeup is a woman’s best armor. I’m not sure I believe that; it’s most important to be confident and strong on the inside. But, the skin is your literal armor, so I really believe in taking good care of it. And why not dress it up from time to time?

I hope you enjoy my posts and reviews as much as I enjoy making them!